How to Request Help
CLASI conducts intakes for service by phone or in person. We handle a limited number of legal issues for Delaware residents who meet certain eligibility criteria, based on our current funding and program priorities.
To find out if you are eligible for our services and request help, please contact the CLASI office in your county:
New Castle County (Wilmington)
100 W. 10th St., Suite 801
Wilmington, DE 19801
800-292-7980 (Toll Free)
302-575-0666 Elder Law Program
302-575-0690 Disabilities Program
302-575-0696 (TTY)
Fax: 302-575-0840
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Driving Directions & Maps
(Note: Free parking is available in the Community Services Building parking garage located at 11th and Orange Streets. Bring your parking ticket to the office to be validated.)
Kent County (Dover)
840 Walker Road
Dover, DE 19904
800-537-8383 (Toll Free)
302-674-9430 (TTY)
Fax 302-674-8145
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Driving Directions & Maps
Sussex County (Georgetown)
Georgetown Professional Park
20151 Office Circle
Georgetown, DE 19947
800-462-7070 (Toll Free)
302-856-7491 (TTY)
Fax 302-856-6133
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Driving Directions & Maps
Delaware Legal Help Link
If CLASI is not able to assist you, there may be another organization that can help. The Delaware Legal Help Link is designed to help people with civil legal problems in Delaware find the best help for their situation. It provides information about services provided by a range of Delaware organizations, including CLASI and our civil legal aid partners at Delaware Volunteer Legal Services and Legal Services Corporation of Delaware, along with other organizations providing free and low-cost legal advice, representation, or other services.
COVID-19 Policy Update
As of May 20, 2024, clients and visitors are no longer required to wear masks in CLASI’s offices. However, staff, clients, and visitors may choose to wear a mask.
If you have had COVID recently, whether you tested or not, you may not enter CLASI’s office until after 5 days have passed since either your symptoms began or you last tested positive, or until you have been cleared by a healthcare provider or public health official. We encourage you to wait until 10 days after your symptoms began or you last tested positive; but if necessary you can come in after 5 days if you have been fever free for 24 hours and you wear a mask.
CLASI remains committed to serving our clients and community while striving to keep vulnerable staff and clients safe with appropriate health precautions. We will continue to monitor guidance from the Governor, Department of Public Health, and the CDC, and make any adjustments to our policy as necessary.
Actualización de la política del COVID-19
A partir del 20 de mayo de 2024, los clientes y/o visitantes ya no están obligados a utilizar mascarillas/cubre bocas en las oficinas de CLASI. Sin embargo, si lo desean, el personal, los clientes y los visitantes pueden optar por utilizar una mascarilla.
Si ha tenido COVID recientemente, ya sea que se haya hecho la prueba o no, no puede entrar o ingresar al La oficina de CLASI hasta que hayan pasado 5 días desde que comenzaron sus síntomas o desde la última vez que dio positivo, o hasta que haya sido autorizado por un proveedor médico o un funcionario de salud pública. Le recomendamos que espere hasta 10 días después de que hayan comenzado sus síntomas o de la última vez que haya dado positivo; Pero si es necesario, puede venir después de 5 días si no ha tenido fiebre durante 24 horas y utiliza una mascara.
CLASI mantiene su compromiso de servir a nuestros clientes y a la comunidad mientras se esfuerza por mantener seguros al personal y a los clientes vulnerables con las precauciones de salud adecuadas. Continuaremos monitoreando las pautas del Gobernador, el Departamento de Salud Pública y El CDC, y haremos los ajustes necesarios a nuestra política.