Making Hard Time Harder: Report Outlines Need for Accommodations for Prisoners with Disabilities

More than 600,000 inmates with disabilities in prisons across the country spend more time in prison, under harsher conditions, than inmates without disabilities, according to research. Today, Amplifying Voices of Prisoners with Disabilities (AVID), a project of Disability Rights Washington, released Making Hard Time Harder: Programmatic Accommodations for Inmates with Disabilities Under the Americans with…

The Arc of Delaware Reaches Fair Housing Settlement

  The Arc of Delaware and its counsel Relman, Dane & Colfax, The Arc of the United States, and Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. are thrilled to announce the recent settlement of The Arc of Delaware’s disability discrimination complaint against Sugar Maple Farms Property Owners’ Association, Inc. (SMFPOA). That complaint, filed in March 2015 with…

Executive Director Dan Atkins receives MLP Award

The National Medical-Legal Partnership presented Executive Director Daniel G. Atkins with its Distinguished Medical-Legal Partnership Advocate Award at the National MLP Summit in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 7, 2016. The award recognizes an MLP practitioner (from health care, law, medicine, nursing, public health, or social work) who has made a significant contribution to the research,…

Senior Staff Attorney Jim McGiffin to Receive Award

The Delaware St. Thomas More Society will present the Monsignor Taggart Award to CLASI Senior Staff Attorney James G. McGiffin, Jr. This prestigious award is presented each year to a member of the Society who exemplifies the following characteristics: –  Strong and pervasive sense of justice –  Personal courage and conviction –  Commitment to law, community and…

Free Tax Resources

Taxes for 2015 are due by Monday, April 18, 2016. The following pamphlets provide information about free tax resources in each county in Delaware. New Castle County:  Tax Resources-NCC Tax Resources-NCC Spanish Kent County:  Tax Resources-KC                       Tax Resources-KC Spanish Sussex County:  Tax Resources-SC  …

Manufactured Homeowners Win in Chancery Court

The Delaware Chancery Court recently ruled that manufactured homeowners are not required to belong to an official manufactured homeowners association in order to challenge unjustified rent hikes. Homeowners were very grateful for CLASI’s assistance in this case, stating the victory would not have been possible without representation by CLASI attorneys Jim McGiffin and Brian Eng. Find…