DLP Inviting Comments on Program Priorities

WE’RE INVITING COMMENTS ON PRIORITIES For our PADD, PAIR, PAIMI, PATBI, PAAT Programs The DLP proposes to adopt revised priorities for the the fiscal year beginning October 2019 (FY20). We invite comments on the proposed priorities. Comments may be submitted to Susan Henry through any of the following methods: * send email to Susan Henry…

Attorney Gil Pierre Reflects on her Time at CLASI

Staff attorney and Roxanna C. Arsht Fellowship recipient reflects on her two years at CLASI and the lessons she’s learned from her colleagues and clients in this thoughtful piece in the May issue of the Delaware State Bar Association Journal. A copy of the article can be found here. Source: Delaware State Bar Association Journal,…

Unaccompanied Youth Seek Avenues to Safety

CLASI Deputy Director and Managing Attorney, Laura C. Graham authored a piece in this quarter’s Delaware Lawyer Magazine titled “Unaccompanied Youth Seek Avenues to Safety.” In a few pages Graham covers an issue that is central to the national conversation on immigration: unaccompanied children. Many factors play into children fleeing their homes and seeking peace…

Favorable Ruling in Manufactured Homeowners Case

  Today the Superior Court in Sussex County ruled in favor of manufactured homeowners who were objecting to a ten percent rent hike despite a rent control statute that limited such increases to actual expenses incurred by the community owner. CLASI’s Disabilities Law Program Managing Attorney, Brian Eng, was the lead attorney on the case…

CLASI Named Top Workplace for 3rd Year in a Row

For the third year in a row, CLASI made the list of Top Workplaces in Delaware. This year CLASI finished fourth of all companies with less than 100 employees, and first among non-profits of that size.  https://www.delawareonline.com/story/money/business/2018/08/26/delaware-top-workplaces-2018/1103577002/   CLASI also received special recognition for having scored the highest in the state, regardless of size, on…