CLASI and The Arc of Delaware File Amicus Brief Supporting Early Voting and Absentee Voting Laws

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 7, 2024 CONTACT: Margaretta Kroeger, CLASI Communications Director, CLASI and The Arc of Delaware File Amicus Brief Supporting Early Voting and Absentee Voting Laws Disability Rights Organizations Urge Delaware Supreme Court to Reverse Lower Court Ruling That Disproportionately Burdens Voters with Disabilities WILMINGTON, DE — Community Legal Aid Society, Inc.…

CLASI’s Marissa Band Invited to White House for “Communities in Action” Event

Above, left to right: Beth Mineo (University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies), Jody Hougentogler (Freedom Center for Independent Living), Kristin Harvey (Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council), and Marissa Band (CLASI Disabilities Law Program) attending the “Communities in Action: Building a Better America” event at the White House on April 11, 2024. On April 11, 2024,…

CLASI Deputy Director Laura Graham Receives Vision of Peace Award

(Pictured: Domestic Violence Coordinating Council Executive Director Angela DiNunzio Seguin, Laura Graham, and CLASI Executive Director Dan Atkins) We are pleased to announce that Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. (CLASI) Deputy Director Laura Graham has received the 2023 Vision of Peace Award from the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in recognition of her outstanding leadership…